Maintaining your home’s electrical system, including the fuse box, also known as the fuse board or consumer unit, is a smart idea. It’s worth considering hiring a professional to have a check at the fuse box now if you’ve lived in your home for a while and may not have given it any attention.
Don’t worry, an old fuse box doesn’t necessarily need to be replaced just because it’s old. Many fuse boxes still adhere to contemporary standards. But how can you know whether yours has to be changed because it has seen better days?
Checking the Fuse Box
The only way to determine whether your fuse box is in good condition is to hire a specialist to perform a visual examination and/or a thorough test. However, warning indications may point to a fuse box that has seen better days. These consist of:
Traditional fuses
Burn or scorch stains on the fuse board
Too many devices are using one circuit (many modern homes have the kitchen on a separate circuit)
You might need to remove the lid in order to inspect the fuse board. Avoid touching anything and take basic safety measures. Electricity continues to flow into the board even after you turn off the power.
The Benefits of a Replacement
It’s not an easy task—replacing a fuse board takes the better part of a day—but the advantages are obvious. In all circumstances, the upgrade will be an investment in your house that also provides security and safeguards you against the kind of wear and strain that might result in unforeseen issues.
First off, keep in mind that the UK’s construction codes are altered quite frequently. Every year, there are changes. The current board may possibly meet modern rules if you’re selling your house or have recently moved in, but a new board will future-proof your electrics for years to come (providing there are no faults).
There are obviously considerable safety benefits. The RCDs (residual current devices) in modern fuse boxes are in charge of the tripping mechanism that shuts off the supply immediately in the event of a fault. RCDs are not required to be utilised, and they are not employed in every scenario anyhow. But having RCDs is a huge safety benefit, and since they were invented, RCDs have saved countless lives.
Modern fuses are also made to switch off very quickly, in a fraction of a second, reducing the possibility that someone might receive an electric shock if something went wrong.
Tests for Your Consumer Unit
Domestic properties in the Edinburgh area can have their fuse boxes inspected and replaced by Albion Electrical Edinburgh. In order to instantly notify your local government that your electrics have been upgraded to the highest calibre contemporary standards, we also issue Part P notifications.
If you live outside of our service region, you ought to be able to locate a trustworthy business nearby. Utilising a NICEIC-registered contractor is always advised.
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